Relocated red/green/blue colour channel adjustment to Paint Shop Pro 2.0-style dialogue.Zsoft Paintbrush PCX version 0 (1bpp), version 2 (1/4bpp), version 3 (1/4bpp), version 5 (1/4/8bpp).MacPaint MAC (1bpp, with/without header).GEM Paint IMG old style (1bpp), new style (1bpp).GIF 87a (interlaced/progressive), GIF 89a (interlaced/progressive).Windows BMP (1/4/8/24bpp, RGB/RLE4/RLE8 encoding).Supports Windows 3.0 Standard/Enhanced mode. Non-italicized dates are sourced from official press releases or notifications posted on JASC's web site. In the table below, italicized dates are approximate, based on the earliest file timestamp on JASC or Corel's FTP server. 6 Corel PaintShop Pro releases: 2011–present.5 Corel PaintShop Photo Pro releases: 2010-2011.4 Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo releases: 2006–2008.

2 JASC Paint Shop Pro releases: 1990–2004.