I've tried lots of different cleaners, methods, this is it, cheap (1/4 tsp dawn dish soap and a touch of citric acid from the canning section at Wally world), just easy. Why didn't I do this years ago? Why are you still doing the hard way. Each load in about the same time it takes to run a load of laundry. No carbon, no residue, not beat and scarred, just beautiful clean and polished brass. Well, 1000 rds at a time, run time: 1hour, a quick 15 minute second rinse, 1 hour in the dryer result factory new brass, period, end of story. (and that doesn't work too well, let alone so time consuming). We all know what a pain it is to try to deal with both issues either q-tips or steel wool if you it truly clean brass. I've run give or take 5000 9mm range brass that was already run through a vibrator, which still had hard carbon scale and media residue inside. I got the tumbler/dryer combo when it was on special. Just like Elvis, it doesn't get any better than this!!! (triple exclamation). Maintenance free geared drivetrain (No belts to replace!)

Dual layer drum with noise dampening rubber lining. Brass comes out cleaner than brand new brass Large 7 liter capacity, Tumble up to 1000x cases of 223 brass. Most effective brass cleaning process available. Five pounds of 304 stainless media pins and a sample packet of Frankford Brass Cleaning Solution are included. The tumbler can effectively clean without the use of stainless media pins with a mixture of Frankford Brass Cleaning Solution and water (use of media pins ensures primer pockets and inside of cases are perfectly clean). A set of sifting end caps is also included to assist in separating the stainless media once tumbling is complete. The drum features clear end caps to allow visibility to the brass while tumbling. A built in timer in the base can be set to run from 0 to 3 hours, shutting off automatically. 223 brass and has a molded in rubber lining to protect brass and dampen noise during operation. The large volume drum holds up to 1000 pieces of. The small stainless pins easily penetrate inside cases and into primer pockets to deliver unbeatable cleaning power. Rotary tumbling with stainless steel media in a liquid bath gets brass much cleaner, and works much faster than ultrasonic or vibratory tumbling methods. The Platinum Series Rotary Tumbler delivers a new level of brass cleaning performance.